Friday, May 25, 2012

Playing Pickles' Veggie Pick

Pickles' Veggie Pick is a really cute game. You play as a rabbit (Tibbar or one of his family members) and the goal is to avoid the dog and farmer Pickles while collecting as many veggies as you can. The catch is that you can only carry one veggie at a time so you have to make it back and forth from your rabbit hole to the veggie patches without getting caught. Each veggie is worth a different number of points and you can get more points if you get them from a patch that is not your color. The winner is the first person to get to 10 or more points.

S and I played this a couple days ago and for his first time playing he followed the rules pretty well. The recommended age for this game is 6+ and I'd say that's a pretty good estimate. S is only 4 so some of the strategy involved in getting the veggies for more points was lost on him, but he got the basic game play and enjoyed adding up his veggie totals at the end. He did end up winning with 11 points so that made him happy!

We have so many new games now that it's crazy! S has been on a serious game playing kick and weekly family game night is definitely one of our favorite nights of the week. I'll be posting a new review soon for Tibbar's Tangrams so check back for that!

For more info on this game please visit the link above and, as always, if you have any questions or want to buy a game please visit this site, find me on facebook, or leave a comment here!

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